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Accuracy/truth vs Kenny

Posted by RealDaffyDuck on April 24, 2011

June 2005 Calendar

June 2005 Calendar

In a nutshell:

The Big Mango Bar opened in Nana Entertainment Plaza Summer 2005.

It was then closed November 2007 and re-opened on Sukhumvit Soi 4 during the Summer of 2008.

Pretty difficult to believe claims that a business described as started in 2000 is the Big Mango, then, isn’t it?

Oh, wait — it must be those Mango Boys and their time machine, again.

I does make me wonder if someone like Sunbelt Asia (or the real owner of the actual bar for sale) would have a legitimate case against Kenny for deliberately and purposely trying to dissuade sellers and interested parties, and spread lies about the business …?

(feel free to repost this information anytime, anywhere)

48 Responses to “Accuracy/truth vs Kenny”

  1. Daywalker said

    Wonderful!!! Looking at what those morons are talking about makes me wonder if these people have ever been to Bangkok.. or is it just Kenny talking shit?

    Lets look at the facts…

    Does the building have 4 floors? No.
    Does the bar have 20 employees? No.
    Did it open in 2000? No.
    Does is have 1 pool table? No.
    Does it have 7 TV’s? No.
    Is it in Soi 4? Yes.

    Lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story eh?

    Just like the Graham H Jones I am reading about?!?! If I graduated in 1991, that means I started Uni when I was 12?!?! Pretty impressive dont you think?



    • Daywalker said

      Oops… I forgot…

      Is the Mango forsale? Everything is forsale for the right price! But is it listed anywhere?
      – No!

    • DW, we all know what a genius you are – of course you graduated Uni at 121. That’s why Kenny hates you — because you’re smarter than him.

      So, are we gonna hang out in May? Will you take me along on g-club tours…. please?


      I think May’s a good time to come back to Bangkok – kinda low season, still raining, but overall nice weather.

    • Daywalker said

      May sounds like a plan. I’ll be there. There will be a party for sure!

      You have to love the way Kenny talks about the Mango being dead and none of us come to Thailand anymore?!
      – He couldn’t be more wrong!

      Then again, he did report many errors on the Duke too. Anyone seen it lately? The WHOLE building is under major construction. Does that mean all the surrounding shops and offices went bust also?

      Has anyone noticed that Kenny doesn’t comment under his BBK initials anymore? He just uses other aliases and repeatedly tells all how he is victorious!?

      Got to laugh.

    • “The WHOLE building is under major construction. Does that mean all the surrounding shops and offices went bust also?”

      Yep, and it’s ALL your doing – you and the Mango Crew have destroyed that whole building.

      I have no doubt, soon the curse will strike Soi 4 a well, reaching out all the waaaaaaaaay from down Scott Road.

      What a nutcase – he and Prufie sure go well together.

    • We should invite Prufie also to join us at the party — then again, he may be scared.

      Maybe you can convince him to bring along Kenny.

  2. BangkokMilkshakes said

    its becoming literally amazing to see what a total fucking retard kenny has become. he is mentally unstable. his blog is like a graffiti covered door in the special wing bathroom of a psychiatric ward, in which one of the patients has just decided to smear their own shit all over the walls, because using the toilet makes no sense anymore.

    • Damn, I just love your illustrative prose 🙂

      Seriously, I can’t help but agree with you — it’s not only obvious that Kenny’s hatred has taken on seriously pathological proportions, but it is fueling a small (very small) cadre of sycophants that equally hate the Big Mango owners for their own reasons (my guess, similar to Kenny, they got rebuffed by the same girls, or told what losers they are by pmmp and Smitty, and are now still seething with hatred and jealousy).

      In the process, they are smearing a number of innocent and completely unconnected business’ and people – and I seriously wonder what does the new Duke of Wellington owner, Greg Lange, and the seller of the currently targeted bar feel about all this libel?

    • Kenneth Ng was always a strange fellow around CSUN but it seems to have morphed into something else.

      If you look at the post times and words you realize that some are from Kenny himself. So basically you have a 50 year old guy sitting in his apartment on a Saturday Night posting on his own blog under a number of aliases.

      I couldn’t think of a more lonelier picture.

      That blog and his battle with those who could care less about him have become his world.

      In all reality, those who verbally beat on him are his only friends. He needs them now.

      Even more bizarre is the fake conversation Prufrock seems to be having with Keith Summers/John Galt.

    • RealDaffyDuck said

      “Even more bizarre is the fake conversation Prufrock seems to be having with Keith Summers/John Galt.”
      Don’t get me started – that one’s just being ultra-creepy.

      On to more serious topics – where’s PART 3 of your customer saga! chop-chop!

    • “If you look at the post times and words you realize that some are from Kenny himself. So basically you have a 50 year old guy sitting in his apartment on a Saturday Night posting on his own blog under a number of aliases.

      I couldn’t think of a more lonelier picture.”


      Kenny, alone on a Saturday night!

    • That is disturbing! Creepy Kenny indeed!

  3. BangkokMilkshakes said

    the pointlessness of it is remarkable. who would think that a grown man would encourage such a platform of petty, and dangerously innacurate vindictiveness. big baby is about right

  4. Daywalker said

    Protonic says:
    April 24, 2011 at 7:04 am

    when mango start losing money, nic and mike go crazy. they sell points to customers so the bar built with no money them. For a little, nic and mike pay point people money end of month but then say no more money because politics and Kenny give mango bad name.

    Customers who give money yell much at nic and mike saying why start fued with Kenny? fued cost money and make them poor. kenny always nice never say bad thing. stupid and bad business. Nic say he will fix and write Kenny boss and tell Kenny will get beat up. Kenny get very mad and say fuck you. Nic tell prufrock don’t write on kenny blog and prufrock get mad and tell nic fuck off too. many people tell nic and mike not nice and say fuck you again.

    customers who give money more mad at nic because people want no come Mango because Nic give bad feeling. customer not like be called hater like kenny say.

    so everybody mad. barry and steve have fight with nic and mike. mango lose many customer and now have to sell maybe. Iwork mango so Iknow and Itell you.

    I am not sure what all this means? Has Kenny been drinking too much diet coke?

    What are these ‘points’ that are being sold?

    Are people forgetting what started the feud? It was Kenny writing about picking up girls whilst they are praying! His post was pulled after receiving very negative responses.

    Some peoples ego just can’t handle others not agreeing with them.. !

    • That’s actually funny – is this how Kenny thinks Thai girls write English?

      … or did you guys hire “RaulRu from Venezuela” at the bar?

    • BigDummyKenny said

      @ Daywalker – Since v1.0 was axed Kenny has purposely incorporated misinformation into his posts as a method for generating discussion. Think the tabloid rag news sheets on the super market checkout line.

      Anyone notice he had a spike in comments on his website which coincided with CSUN’s spring break week?

      Hmmm, now why would that be? 😉

    • RealDaffyDuck said

      Now that’s just a weird coincidence – I’m certain Prufrock will be more than happy to lecture you about how the neocon cabal of the illuminati is all behind framing Kenny, because Kenny is the last bastion of free speech — or some such nonsense.

      Yeah, it’s odd matching Time Stamps on BBK comments with Kenny’s schedule – really odd.

    • SBDOTKU said

      WOW. That is offensive on so many levels. Hmmm, I wonder who “Protonic” could be? Let’s see if any of this sounds familiar: a person never heard from before and presents a view that is both anti-Mango and pro-Kenny )with a fascinating amount of detail that someone with that degree of English language mastery would not be privy to), presented as someone so falsely impersonated. I wonder if Protonic (such a Thai name BTW) knows our other “foreign” friend Raul? (rolls eyes)

    • They have one more thing in common – they hail from Melbourne and have never set foot in the Big Mango.

  5. adman said

    Robert. Let me ask you about this:

    Robert said…OK guys, I’ll explain. My opinion is that the Mango owners behaved despicably by dobbing BBK to his employer and this is my #1 gripe with them. Love BBK or hate him, version 1 of his blog was ground breaking, controversial and mostly made fascinating read.

    What are you basing your opinion on? BBK’s claims?

    Yes, his blog was controversial, but it wasn’t because of his opinions. It was because most of his claims are either incorrect or flat out lies.

    I pressed him many times to back up his claims that he and his employer were receiving e-mails and that he was being threatened. I was interested in seeing the proof. I wasn’t the only one making those requests either.

    Why is it he would never respond to those requests? It certainly would have made an interesting post with the e-mails and SMS messages and phone records and IP addresses. That would have been controversial. BBK actually providing the facts.

    He never did post one single piece of proof though. He just continued with his attacks.

    As much as you’re sure you’re not the only one who feels it was the BM owners, I’m quite sure I’m not the only one who is sure it wasn’t.

    Knowing there are Keith Summer types in Thailand, I believe Kenny’s attacks on the BM and others in the expat community certainly was enough for someone who didn’t like him already to take action.

    His blog was entertaining only through the grace of the commentary provided by his readers.

    Did he learn anything from being told to take down version 1.0?

    Apparently not. To this day he has no problem lying about things in what I can only guess is due to that stupid Asian tradition of “saving face”. Kenny does not care about accuracy or truth or how his lies impact other people as long as he believes he looks good.

    The pattern of his behavior is reprehensible as he does not care about how his rumors or lies impact others. To this day Kenny continues to go after those associated with the BM in an attempt to hurt the BM business and the owner’s careers personally.

    That is all I need to know that I don’t want to be associated with him in any way.

  6. adman said

    What’s the problem Robert?

    No answers?

    Can’t defend your hero?

    • Robert said


      Sorry for not responding to your comment 2 above but obviously I missed it. Only the last 14 comments show on the home page and on busy times they can disappear very quick. comments display is far superior to this site.

      In response to your comment – sorry, but I can not answer queries on Kenny’s behalf and / or resolve outstanding issues between the two of you and you’ll have to take it directly with him.

      Woohoo! Another Bullshit Award™ for ronruBertI maintain my opinion that what the Burga Boys did to BBK was like dropping a nuclear bomb on a guy caught shoplifting.
      The harm they cavalierly inflicted on him is totally out of proportion to anything he had done to them and their actions really reveal what kind of total assholes they are.

      Personally, I believe they show themselves to be some of the lowest, most despicable scum on earth.

    • RealDaffyDuck said

      Not much longer now, “Robert”

    • adman said

      All of us know your opinion Robert.

      Your problem is your opinion is not based on anything of substance. No facts. Nothing.

  7. Robert said

    One after another!Adman – I can say exactly the same about yourself + I don’t need you to tell me about my “problem” because you are not qualified for anything. Idiot.

    • Oh, yes “Robert”, everyone here is equally qualified to call you on your bullshit, to call you on it, and to evaluate your lonely and bitter self.

    • adman said

      No you can’t Robert. You want to talk facts? Let’s talk facts.

      You’ve chosen to disparage other people on the baseless nonsense published on Kenneth Ng’s blog.

      You’ve chosen to back the ramblings of second rate professor who has no problem lying when it suits his agenda.

      I’ve done nothing of the sort. Unless you can back your statement with fact another BS award is coming your way.

      As proud as your mother must be of you, I’m sure California State University – Northridge is proud of Professor Ng.

    • Wombat said

      “second rate professor”? Has fat boy been undertaking professional development courses?

    • Bangers Bill said

      @ Wombat

      You hit it. That’s what he’s making those midnight runs to Isan for!


  8. Jimmy said

    Talking of accuracy…

    I still remember that little detail when Professor Ng once stated the Thai word “narak” (cute, lovely) could be spelled “nareek” as there is no official spelling system and that it is also correct to spell it nareek.

    Well, ANYONE never having heard that word before, reading “nareek” and trying to say that to a Thai girl will, 100% sure, pronounce it wrong. Who would have known that even Professors can be dumbasses 😉

    I will come back to Bangkok in November… hope I will then finally meet DW in person… once enjoyed the BM a lot some years back but never met him… bummer.

    • Smurf Daddy said

      I still remember that little detail when Professor Ng once stated the Thai word “narak” (cute, lovely) could be spelled “nareek” as there is no official spelling system and that it is also correct to spell it nareek.

      Haha! Thanks for giving me a good chuckle this evening Jimmy. I remember that one too. When I read his original post and knowing a bit more Thai than your average University Professor sex tourist I thought, “really”? Then proceeded to find it in my English-Thai dictionary phonetically listed in English as nâa rák.

      Where did he get the e sound? Hell if I know. My guess is like most things, he made it up! Haha!

    • What were those other two words he kept throwing around?

      It was “nareek” (which even with my limited Thai I knew immediately to be wrong) … (and after a quick Google for the only use of nareek on, there was:)


      and “suay” (not easy to mess that one up).

  9. Still doesn’t compare to when he suggested that you take your Hi-So girl from Bangkok to a resort in the middle of Isarn and buy her a bikini so that she could lay out by the pool.


  10. Mumpi Swift said

    Robert you’re a muppet
    Ronru your a goat.
    BBK’s a beeeatch
    Big Dummys a shill
    Whos a loser.

    Nuff said you BBK faggots? 🙂

  11. Mampi Swift said

    Robert – you’r a boofty
    Big – You are the cocksucking goat amongst the gang
    Fuck All y’all
    I drink pussy hole bitch nectas the lot of ya

    • [note from editor: I revised the spam/sockpuppet comment you were responding to, due to abusive content]

      Hmmm, never sucked a goats cock. But I will admit to this time in Korea when there was absolutely no pussy to be found on a remote base and I let someone talk me into slitting some holes in my uniform just above the knees.

      A little butter melted in the sunlight, a lot of Soju and some imagination it almost felt like the real thing.

      But is was a sheep or yak looking thingy. Not a goat!

      I busted a nut, I admit it. Not a huge three globber like I did in Prufrock’s ex-wife or was it daughter, not sure anymore but it was a orgasm so you gotta count it!

      Nope, not a goat for sure.

      Mampi Swift? Sounds British and Gay, or is that redundant?

      Jesus don’t you numbnuts have anything to do other than make up fake screen names.

      Back to our regular programming.

    • “Jesus don’t you numbnuts have anything to do other than make up fake screen names.”

      Apparently, not even that anymore…

      The crickets seem to be chirping all over Kenny’s…

  12. Pete said

    I enjoyed the comments on BBK v1 but his v2 blog became shit when he decided to post under all the sock puppet names and encouraged others to do the same. Add to the equation the amount of time it takes for a page to load and “the crickets” effect is being accelerated. Kenny, Summers and their band of idiots shouldn’t be disturbed.

    • RealDaffyDuck said

      Agreed – for all purposes, BBK has now become the “Kenny Summers” show, a development it well deserves.

    • adman said

      I’ll repost part of what I previously said to Robert

      His blog was entertaining only through the grace of the commentary provided by his readers.

      Did he learn anything from being told to take down version 1.0?

      Apparently not. To this day he has no problem lying about things in what I can only guess is due to that stupid Asian tradition of “saving face”. Kenny does not care about accuracy or truth or how his lies impact other people as long as he believes he looks good.

      The pattern of his behavior is reprehensible as he does not care about how his rumors or lies impact others. To this day Kenny continues to go after those associated with the BM in an attempt to hurt the BM business and the owner’s careers personally.

      That is all I need to know that I don’t want to be associated with him in any way.

    • You’re right, although currently it seems to have degenerated solely into the Kenny/Summers show, with not even any new “articles” showing up, and all the players represented by the same set of tired actors (except for Summers, who appears to genuinely believe to be on a stage that matters)

  13. Pete said

    If the past is any indication, Kenny is stacking up his photos and notes so he can drag out publishing them while he’s back teaching classes in California.

    • RealDaffyDuck said

      Good point – I wonder when do classes start again?

    • bigbabykennethng said

      I start classes again on Monday, August 23rd.

      I look forward to Econ 160 for the 25th year in a row!

      Grades will be determined using the following weighting:

      20%- Cumulative Scores on the assignments

      20% – Midterm Exam

      20% – Term Paper

      40%-Final Exam

      The final will be cumulative.

  14. adman said

    Kenny and his band of sockies really miss you RDD. The inquiries continue.

    Graham, you’re not missed at all, since you’re commenting on a regular basis. 😉

  15. Friendly Reminder said

    I enjoy going through the archives for an occasional reminder of what a group of tools Kenny’s readers are.

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